The Shakespeare Club of Stratford upon Avon Rules, Amended October 2016
The Name of the Club and Frequency of Meetings
The Club shall be called the Shakespeare Club of Stratford upon Avon, shall normally meet monthly from October to May, and shall be represented at the Shakespeare Birthday Celebrations by the President, if possible.
Objects of the Club.
The Objects of the Club are:
To study the works of William Shakespeare and his contemporaries, and the performances, past and present, of their plays.
To encourage the presentation of relevant papers and talks relating to the above.
To consider the history of the period and its influence on their works.
In other ways to do honour to William Shakespeare and consider his influence on drama and literature and the life of the community.
Committee Management
The management of the Club shall be undertaken by a Committee comprising:
An Honorary Administrative Secretary
An Honorary Treasurer
These two officers to be elected on an annual basis at the Annual General Meeting.
Together with not more than ten additional members who are appointed for one year but are eligible for re-election.
Immediately after the Annual General Meeting, the Committee shall elect a Chairman/woman from their number to chair the Committee and the Annual General Meeting for one year and be eligible for election for a further year.
Nominations for membership of the Committee shall be made on the appropriate form obtainable from the Administrative Secretary and returned to the Secretary a minimum of 7 days before the AGM.
The Committee shall meet at least twice a year.
The Committee may co-opt additional members who will serve until the next Annual General Meeting.
A quorum at any meeting shall be six.
Any member of the Committee who does not attend Committee
meetings regularly for no good reason, shall be deemed to have resigned.
Club Meetings
The Club shall hold its Annual General Meeting on the date of the first meeting of the season.
The Committee may call extraordinary general meetings at the request of no less than twenty full members of the Club, and shall proceed to call such a meeting no later than one month after receipt of the requisition.
Notice of meetings shall be given to all full members no later than fourteen days prior to the meeting.
A quorum at any general meeting of the Club shall be twenty.
A resolution put to the vote of a general meeting shall be decided by a show of hands.
A member of the Club nominated by the Committee shall, on agreement of the general meeting, preside as Chairman/woman.
In case of equality of votes the Chairman/woman shall have a casting vote in addition to any other vote
Members of the Club attending the last meeting of the season shall elect a president who shall serve for one year.
Election of all officers and Committee members shall be made by a show of hands.
The Annual General Meeting may elect a Vice President who will serve for life.
Minute books shall be keot recording the proceedings of the Committee and the generl and ordinary meetings of the Club.
Membership and Finance
Membership is open to all who subscribe to the aims of the Club and accept its rules.
Members shall pay an annual subscription at a rate fixed by the Committee and approved by a two thirds majority of members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting.
Members may introduce one or more visitors to an ordinary meeting of the Club on payment of a fee to be fixed by the Committee and approved by a two thirds majority of members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting.
The Treasurer shall keep an account of all monies received and expended by the Club, and a financial statement shall be presented to all members at the Annual General Meeting.
The statement shall be certified by a qualified accountant, no audit shall be required.
The financial year shall be from 24th April until 23rd April.
Alteration to Rules
Any proposed alteration to these rules should be supported by at least twenty members and submitted to the Administrative Secretary at least six weeks before a general meeting and the proposed alteration advised to members with the notice of meeting. The rules shall not be altered except by the vote of the majority of members present and voting at the general meeting.
Should the Club be dissolved for any reason all monies remaining in the Club’s bank accounts will be distributed to local charities or organisations as agreed by members of the Club at a general meeting.