Ilmington Parish Council



Close up of the GFalcon emblem on the Club's banner LATEST NEWS

The oldest Shakespeare society in existence celebrated its 200th anniversary in April 2024

 On Shakespeare’s Birthday in 1824 some twenty townsmen of Stratford-upon-Avon brought the
Shakespearean Club of Stratford into being over dinner at the Falcon Inn.
Those early members took determined action which began the transformation of the town into a place of cultural pilgrimage making it the internationally famous tourist destination that it is today.
The Club remains an independent organisation run by local people for local people, focused on Shakespeare, Stratford-upon-Avon’s local poet.

The Club celebrated its bicentenary with a series of events in the month of April:
8-24 April, Stratford Public Library, Henley St.: A panel exhibition about the Club’s early history in documents and images was open to the public.
13 April, Stratford Town Hall: Club members and their guests met to celebrate with tea, cake and songs.
20 April, Shakespeare’s Birthday Celebrations: Club members took pride of place in the Stratford Birthday procession and marched en masse with rosettes and banners.
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The Story of the Shakespeare Club of Stratford-upon-Avon
'Long life to the Club call'd Shakspearean'

By Susan Brock and Sylvia Morris
Order here.